September 2008


Family Updates
September 2008
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September 28 (Luke & Wyatt are dedicated)

Luke and his cousin Wyatt were dedicated today at our church.  It will be nice for Luke to have a cousin so close to play with.



































Pastor Bruce with the boys!



Samantha was baptized over the summer by Justin, the junior high leader.

We are very proud of her decision to accept Christ!


September 12 (Salem's softball team)

Proof that Evan actually showed up to play, if only once.

















September 7 (Grandparents Day)





















































September 3 (Our little China Doll heads to school).

It doesn't seem possible.  Faith is already starting preschool!  She looked absolutely adorable and had fun on her first day of school!























September 1 (Just another day at the beach)

Samantha & her friend Victoria

Noah and his friend Peter



The Masyr Family



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