July 2008


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July 31 (Our Baby Turns 12!!)

It is difficult to believe that Samantha is 12 years old already.  It seems like only a few years ago that we brought her home from the hospital.  We have been so blessed to have a special girl / young lady.  We love you Sammy!!



Samantha and her friends enjoyed dinner before their midnight swim.














Looking at this picture reminds me how fast time flies.  We need to treasure each and every moment with our princess.


Our little surfer girl with her first surfboard.



July 21-25 (Surf Camp)




The kids decided they wanted to become even more Californian and learn how to surf.  They both absolutely loved surfing!











July 14-18 (Vacation at the Delta)

Christy and the kids enjoyed a week on vacation with her parents up at the Delta.  They enjoyed spending time as a family, playing in the water and fishing with Grandpa.

















The kids enjoyed their time up at the Delta.  It's hard to believe we were able to find a life vest that, somewhat, fit Luke.






The kids had fun riding in the tube.
















Grandpa took the kids fishing.  They even caught some fish!












Samantha had her first waterskiing lessons

and was able to get up.  Way to go!!



July 22 (Faith's 1st haircut)


It certainly took some time but Faith finally got her first haircut, just a few days shy of 3 1/2 years.  Faith was very happy with her new look.










July 4 (God Bless America)


Look at our sweet kids. 

We have been truly blessed!





Luke and his big cousin

(by 3 months) Wyatt.

Neither boy seems

very happy.







Look at Faith fly!

She loves to go to the edge,

count to three (in either

English or Chinese) and

jump in the water.



What a handsome man!!






God Bless America!!!


The Masyr Family



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