April 2007


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April 21 & 28


Samantha showed great finishing speed, pushed through the end of the 100m and finished 1st.  Her favorite race, though, is the mile.









Sam is getting ready to take flight.


Noah is learning to pitch this year.  It has been enjoyable watching his abilities expand.



April 19


It's official.  We will never get Faith out of diapers!















April 10 -11 - San Diego

















The kids went to spent two days at Sea World.  Not surprisingly, they wanted to sit in the "Soak Zone".  Look closely and you will see how wet Shamu got the girls!






We were excited to get an opportunity to catch up with the Lennard's while in San Diego.  It was great to see our friends and have the kids play.  Faith loved visiting with Cheyenne.  She still says "Cheyenne.  Again?"


Watching the two little girls together reminded us of how amazing God is and blessed we are!




April 8 - Easter


We were blessed to celebrate Easter at a wonderful outdoor service.  The kids looked great for in their Easter clothes.





Faith and Lorelei had

fun decorating eggs.

Faith did not enjoy getting

her hand dirty, though.



Faith was not excited to see

the Easter Bunny.  She

eventually warmed up

and gave "knuckles"

to the Bunny.



April 7 - Another trip to Disneyland

The little girls loved seeing the characters.  This was much different than the reaction they have had in the past.
















Samantha and Noah clowning around.







Sam took Daddy for the ride of his life!

Faith with her Minnie Mouse ears
















Our extended family.


April 1

We enjoyed some time at the beach.  We often take for granted how fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful area.









Faith in her car seat holding

her baby (named Lizzie) and JoJo.





A beautiful girl, in a beautiful dress,

on a beautiful beach.


The Masyr Family