January 2008


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January 27 (Faith Turns Three!!)

Good morning Birthday Girl!!!









Faith really enjoys bowling.

We are still waiting for that first strike.







The girls are ready to watch the Veggie Tales movie.








Samantha and Noah had fun celebrating their little sister's birthday!











Faith blew out all three candles.

We hope all of her wishes come true!





Isn't that a sweet little nose!










January 3 (Disneyland)


Faith and Lorelei are pictured with their favorites, JoJo and Goliath.












The kids with pots of honey.

























Faith and Samantha enjoyed riding "It's a Small World"

After a day in Disneyland, we ate at Goofy's Kitchen.

















The girls enjoyed sharing some food with Jasmine.





Look at that cute smile!!


January 2 (Trip to San Diego)



We went to San Diego for a quick little get-a-way.  While there, we visited the Wild Animal Park where Faith go to pet a deer.































Faith and Sam got a little to close to this lion

We were picked as volunteers for a game show. 

After the show, we were able to visit with a camel.


After a day in the park, we met up with our friends, the Lennards. 

Samantha enjoyed holding Cheyenne and Faith.



The Masyr Family



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