May 2007


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May 31 - The Millers visit us in LA (well, at least for 5 hours)
















Waiting anxiously for the arrival of the Millers and their new child, Ri.





Finally, they are here!

We had time to visit and reunite.  The Lennards drove up from San Diego to share this special day.



Sam and Emily.


















Pictured are Cheyenne, Elizabeth, Faith and Ri.  What beautiful blessings!










It is amazing to see how God has brought together these children and our families.  We loved seeing everyone and were disappointed when it was time to say goodbye.  We wish we lived closer to all of our friends.




Sam holding Elizabeth and Faith while Evan was holding Ri.


May 28


We celebrated the birthday of Harley, the kids cousin, on Memorial Day.  He was surprised by the celebration










Faith & Lorelei enjoyed riding in the new boat.

















Faith likes counting to three and then jumping in the water.



We enjoyed the time swimming in the pool.

















Cake?  Did someone say cake?  Faith loves "Happy Day cake"!!


May 24-26 - Las Vegas


Grandpa with his favorite

car at the NASCAR cafe.



Faith woke up in the morning,

grabbed a bag of Cheese-It's

and turned on the TV.









We enjoyed a show in Vegas.



The girls in matching outfits.













May 10 - Mothers Day
















We had a great Mothers Day.  We are blessed and fortunate to have both sets of our parents living nearby.  We had lunch with Evan's parents and dinner with Christy's parents. 



Faith blowing Daddy a kiss.



Faith smelling a rose





Faith and her cousin Lorelei playing before dinner.













Grammy opening her Mothers Day presents.


May 7

Samantha went to a casting call for a part in the upcoming "American Girl" movie.  She got to read in front of Julia Roberts! 


She looked so beautiful that it is difficult to imagine why she did not get the part!  Maybe one day she will get her big break.








The Masyr Family