October 2007


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October 31 (Halloween)

The kids had a great Halloween.  Faith was the cutest Minnie Mouse you could ever see.  Samantha (and her friend Megan) was Alice from Alice in Wonderland.  (Both girls will be in an upcoming performance in Alice in Wonderland.)  Noah was a handsome Captain Jack.


October 30 (Dinner with Great Grandparents)

We had dinner with Papa and Nana.  We always treasure the time we get to spend together!


October 27 (Steven Curtis Chapman concert)
















We went to see Steven Curtis Chapman in concert.  He is one of the greatest musicians and has used his fame and celebrity status to raise the awareness of adoption.  We had great seats (4th row, center).  You can see from this picture how close we really were.




Before the intermission, Steven brought out Jim Caviezel (from the Passion of the Christ), his wife and their two adopted children.  It was a moving moment.











Steven is touring with his two sons (the first two on the left).
















After the show, Christy and I went backstage to meet Steven.  We talked about adoption (what else would you expect?).  It was great to share adoption stories with him.


Our friends Stacey and Marisa also went backstage with us.

















The following night, we volunteered at Steven's concert in Orange County.  Samantha served as a volunteer as well.  It was great to help such a wonderful organization, Shaohannah's Hope.  They help families that are trying to adopt.  We were very proud of Samantha for her service.  She is very passionate about adoption and enjoyed helping.  After she was done, she was able to watch the amazing concert.


Samantha met Bethany Dillon, who was the opening act for the concert.


October 21 (Cousin Autumn's First Birthday)



Evan with his sister Erika and baby Autumn.






Sammy holding her little cousin.

Sam is so good with little kids!




Happy First Birthday, Autumn!!


October 14 (Pumpkin Patch)

We went to the pumpkin patch so the kids could pick out their pumpkins.  They had a great time with their cousin and grandparents.
















Faith loves her brother and sister.


I love this picture of Noah.  He is looking like he is King of the World.

It's amazing to see how quickly our young man is growing up.


Take a look at our farm animals!


















Faith and her cousin loved running through the corn maze.



"Oh no!  Where do I go?  I am Cornfused!"
















Wow!  The sun is hitting two beautiful girls!!


Check out the pumpkinhead!

Decisions, decisions.


I like how the pumpkin patch had this.  We need to make sure we take pictures in front of the "How Tall This Fall Sign" annually.


The Masyr Family



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