January 2006



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January 27 - Faith's Birthday

It is hard to believe that Faith is already one!  We have been praying for her for so long but have only held her for less than two months.  We are in awe with the blessings God has given us, in all of our children!


On Faith's birthday, she visited her Daddy at his office.  One of the ladies at his work (thanks Betty) gave Faith a pretty pink hat that she wore the rest of the day.  We celebrated her birthday at dinner. 


The next day was her big first birthday party.  Faith was not excited about all of the attention.   She was given an entire small cake to eat by herself.  After she had one bite, she threw up (unfortunately, the video camera stopped rolling; that could have been a good video for America's Funniest Videos).  Once Faith got cleaned up, she was her happy, joyful self once again.  We were blessed to have lots of family and friends come by to help Faith celebrate her big day.  Thanks to everyone for stopping by.












January 22

We were blessed to have Faith dedicated at our church.  She slept through the whole thing.  Pastor Bruce did a wonderful prayer.  We were very fortunate to have so much family there.


January 14

In spite of the rain, Faith enjoyed her first trip to the Happiest Place on Earth (Disneyland).


January 10

Faith and her cousin Lorelei love playing and eating together!

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