November 26
Faith being silly!! She loves laughing and making us laugh.
November 23
Faith's first Thanksgiving and we have plenty to be thankful for. We
have been blessed with three wonderful and beautiful children, a job that
provides financially for the family, a house that provides shelter and lots
of love. Jesus has truly blessed us beyond what we deserve and we are
Faith enjoying her first Thanksgiving.
We had the whole family over.
It was great to spend time together
as an extended family.
November 20
Noah was cast as Abraham Lincoln in the Thanksgiving play put on by his
What a cute Honest Abe!!
November 18
Samantha was unable to play on Championship Saturday as she had come down
with pneumonia two days before. She went to the games anyway and
cheered her team on. After the games, the girls received their
Sam with her coach.
November 11
Samantha, and her soccer team, have improved so much over the season.
They were 2-1 in the opening round of the playoffs and will play on
Championship Saturday! Go Sour Patch Girls!!
Samantha is the youngest girl in the league and has improved dramatically.
It has been amazing to watch her ability and skills blossom!
Faith loves stealing her Daddy's hat and asking for us to take a picture of
her. Look closely and you can actually see some long hair!
November 8
Noah is 8! He celebrated his birthday with friends and family at Pump
It Up. He had a great time running and jumping around!
Noah and some of his friends.
One of Noah's favorite presents was his Fender guitar .
He wants to start taking lessons soon.