October 2006



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October 31

Faith celebrated her first Halloween and was absolutely adorable!  She enjoyed going around, saying "Tick or Treat" and "Thank You".  She became very possessive of her little pumpkin filled with the candy she collected with her sister and brother.

Faith wore a personalized poodle skirt and was so cute!











Look!  It's Hannah Montana and Elvis!


October 28

We enjoyed some time as a family with Movie Night.  Faith really enjoyed the popcorn.


October 22

Today, we were blessed with a new family member.  Autumn Rose Miller was born at 3:33 AM.  Both Autumn and mom are doing great!

What a beautiful baby girl!












Samantha loves her new cousin.  She wanted to hold her all night.



You can see Noah beaming with love for his cousin, Autumn.








Faith gave kisses to her new cousin while Erika (Evan's sister) was holding Autumn.  Faith was very interested and watched her every move.

Christy holding her niece.


October 14

Evan performed the wedding of his cousin, Dan, and new wife, Jen.  May God bless the two of you and your life together!



October 10    Faith makes her first visit to the ER

Faith fell at the park and had a nasty gash on her lower lip.  Mommy ran her home (they were almost one mile from home at the park) and rushed her to the emergency room with Daddy (who had raced home from work).  Faith now is the proud owner of three stitches (for the next six days).  Please pray for her quick and full healing.














Faith fell asleep while waiting

for three hours at the ER.

Faith is all smiles one day later.

She has been quite the trooper!


October 8

Faith had her first trip to the pumpkin patch and loved it! 











The kids enjoyed a western gunshow.




Look at the cute sunflowers!









Faith and Daddy enjoying the wagon ride until....



It was fun until the axel broke and we had to get off (check out the wheel behind us).








Faith was taking her time to find the perfect pumpkin.




Look!  Our pumpkin with the other pumpkins!









Faith was trying to follow directions to get us out of the giant corn maze.



The end of the day with our pumpkins.


October 7

Noah is enjoying his second year of soccer.  He has shown some serious improvement.










October 2

The kids saw their great grand-

parents.  Spending time with them is always special.

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