December 2006



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December 31 - New Year's Eve

We ended the year by celebrating Lorelei's second birthday.  We went to Griffith Park and rode horses.  The kids had a wonderful time.  As we watched the ball drop to close out 2006, we went into the backyard and shot noisemakers.














December 25 - Christmas











Faith enjoying olives at Christmas dinner.


Faith is intrigued by her Tickle Me Elmo Extreme.









Faith and her cousin Lorelei opening their personalized JoJo blankets.


Caught on film, sneaking a quick Christmas kiss!









Samantha opening her American Girl doll (and Grandpa with a JoJo doll?)


Not certain, but we think Noah liked

this gift.


Samantha, Faith and Noah each took turns reading the Christmas story.





The kids and their cousin Lorelei on cousin Glen's Harley. 


You girls are brave if you are going to let Noah drive!







We had a great time getting together as an extended family and sharing the blessings of Christmas.  We love you all and you are in our prayers.


Faith celebrating Christmas with her Papa.












Faith and her cousin Heidi.  Faith had lots of fun playing with Heidi, her husband Steve and the rest of her cousins.


Faith was not impressed with Santa

as the older kids asked for presents.


December 22 - Hanukkah











We celebrated a night of Hanukkah with Evan's parents.  The kids enjoy lighting the candles.

Faith making silly faces while playing with her cousins.


December 17-19 - San Francisco











Enjoying Pier 39 at night.



The kids enjoyed a show in Chinatown.










Living the life at the Ritz!


Faith loved riding the famous cable cars!


The beauty of San Francisco, with the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz.


Oval Callout: Moo!











On our way home, we stopped at Cal Poly, the university where we met and graduated.  We took the kids to the agricultural part of the school.  Faith liked the cows, from a distance.


December 5 - Gotcha Day











Faith reading a book about China just before going out for dinner.



Faith was so tired at dinner she fell asleep while praying for our food.








Samantha was pouring tea for us at our celebration dinner.


Noah had a fire in his mouth after eating a pepper!



December 2

Samantha played her flute in front of Starbucks (and later that night at the City's tree lighting service).  She is becoming an excellent musician.




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