March 2008


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March 31 (Faith's first dance recital)


I just love this picture of Faith's little feet.

One of the best sounds is the "pitter-patter" of her feet.


























Mommy and Daddy were very happy with how well Faith did ballet.  Daddy got back just in time with Noah after they attended opening day for the Dodgers.



Faith and Lorelei did an excellent job at their dance recital.  We were proud of them.





March 22 (Easter)

We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus by attending our church service, which was held outside again this year.  Many people attending to celebrate this glorious event.  We are so blessed to have been forgiven for our sins, both past and future.


Samantha helped Faith color her Easter eggs.

Sam is such a good big sister and a blessing to our family.





Noah enjoyed coloring and designing his eggs as well.







Faith with her hair in rollers before church.



The kids looked so good.  We are blessed beyond what we deserve.











Faith and her cousin hunting for eggs.



March 3 (Disneyland)

We took another trip to Disneyland.  It will be our last trip for awhile, as our annual passes expired and we want to wait until Luke is a few months old before we take him.



Noah and Samantha posing by Cinderella's castle.





Faith riding the Winnie the Pooh ride.






The Masyr Family



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