May 2006



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May 29











Although this was not Faith's first visit to a zoo, it was her first American zoo (in Santa Barbara).  We had a great time seeing all of the animals.  The kids even had an opportunity to feed the giraffes!!


May 28





















The weather warmed up over Memorial Day weekend and we took advantage of it by going in our pool!  This was Faith's first time ever swimming.  She enjoyed it very much and did not cry even when briefly underwater.


May 27

On the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, Noah went to the local cemetery and put American Flags on the gravesites of Veterans.  He said he was glad to be a Cub Scout because he got to do a very important thing and honor our Veterans.  God bless all our veterans and current servicemen.





May 18

Samantha had her first band recital.  She was awesome!  We are so proud of how much she has improved playing the flute.


May 14

We celebrated Mother's Day today.  The kids treated Mom like a Queen, showering her with love and affection.  After our lunch, we went to Santa Barbara and enjoyed the rest of the day.


May 7

Faith had her first trip to the beach today.  She was not particularly fond of the feeling of sand between her toes.  She did, however, love watching her brother and sister play in the sand and water.

Sam showed Faith the ocean as the waves crashed.





It is amazing to see how grown up Samantha has become.  She is turning into a young woman right before our eyes.



Noah, not surprisingly, loved getting

dirty and sandy at the beach.



Some special time with Daddy.


"Let's blow Mommy kisses!!"




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