February 2008


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February 22 (Our nephew is born)

Our extended family was blessed yet again with another addition.  Wyatt Christopher Larson was born today.  Our kids are very happy to have another cousin.  Faith just wants to pick him up and hold him.  She is going to be a great big sister in a few months.






Wyatt had to spend about one week in the NICU.  Our prayers were answered and he has made a complete recovery.










The night before Wyatt was born, Faith and Lorelei played together. 

They were excited about the pending birth of Wyatt.



February 2-9 (Disney Cruise)

















Noah getting ready to board the boat.

A beautiful girl in front of a beautiful sunset.
















Faith got to visit with all of the Disney characters during the cruise.

Here she is with Minnie Mouse.

Faith with one of her friends.
















Samantha and friend (and Faith) dancing on the pool deck.





The usually very shy Faith did Karaoke on stage.

She sang Jingle Bells and Merry Unbirthday.

She was SO CUTE!!









Faith loved playing in the fountain pool.









The girls in the ocean at St. Martin.

You can see the cruise ship in the top left.







I just love this picture of the wind in Faith's hair.










Faith and Kerrigan, also from Chongqing (now living in TN).







Getting ready to board the boat at St. Martin.










A great view from the top of St. Thomas (after it rained).







We enjoyed a tea party with Alice and the Mad Hatter.










Pictured with us are Katie (holding Faith) and

Christi (hugging Sam).  Katie and Christi work for

America World Adoption Association and organized

activities while on the ship. Thanks Katie and Christi!!



Sam got her hair braided while on the boat.

Very cute!













We ran into Captain Jack Sparrow at Disney's island,

Castaway Cay.  Behind Captain Jack, who messed

with Noah's hair, is the Flying Dutchman boat.

A view of the Flying Dutchman and Castaway Cay

from our stateroom.




The Masyr Family



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