August 2006



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August 18 - 28 (Aloha)

We were blessed to spend 10 glamorous and relaxing days on the island of Maui in Hawaii.  We had a wonderful time and we miss it already!











The kids on a hike to see some waterfalls.



Faith resting on Daddy in the ocean.












Look at the beautiful girl in the bikini!



Daddy and the kids made a cross in the sand.  Miraculously, it made it through the night without being washed away.







We watched an amazing sunrise from atop a mountain.




Samantha and Noah got to see some fish from a real submarine.







Mommy catching a wave!





The kids at a luau.








We enjoyed playing at a beautiful black sand beach.



Enjoying the Maui sunset.












We enjoyed parasailing for the first time.  It was an awesome experience!














Another wonderful day in paradise.



August 5

The kids enjoyed a day at the zoo with their cousins.  The young girls fed the giraffes with their mommies.

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