February 2006




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February 24

The kids helped raise money for their school by doing the Jog-A-Thon.



February 20

We went to Disneyland again.  This time, Faith got to experience the park when it was not raining and all the rides were operating.  We had a great time.  Faith's favorite ride was "It's a Small World".  After going halfway around the world to get our precious baby, we realize the world is truly small.












It got cold that evening and Faith snuggled inside Mommy's sweatshirt.  What a cutie!


February 18



Faith loves to read!  She even reads all of her birthday cards, over and over!









February 12

Fun at the beach!  Faith, along with Samantha and Noah, enjoyed feeding the birds and smelling the ocean air.  This was Faith's first trip to the beach!  She was happy to share this experience with her grandparents, Aunt Mimi and cousin Lorelei. 


Samantha and Noah love fishing on the dock with Grandpa.  Faith and Lorelei will probably get to experience this soon. 
























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