June 2008


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June 2008 (Pictures of Luke)
















Luke takes his first bath.


Little Luke in Mommy's hands.















Noah & Faith posing with their little brother.




Isn't he just adorable?














Two cute smiles!




Luke relaxing.













Should I throw the fastball or curveball?
















Luke being held by his Great Grandmother, Nana, and his Great Grandfather, Papa.






June 29 (Flying a Rocket)

After church, we built a rocket and launched it at a local park.  We all had so much fun!!






The beginning of building our rocket.














Although we did not have much luck on the first few attempts.  Once it finally worked, the kids had a great time.













June 15 (Fathers Day)

After church, we had lunch with Grammy and Grandpa and then went to the Harbor.  We enjoyed some time on a pontoon boat before eating dinner with Mam & PopPop.


Faith had fun driving the boat around the harbor.  Below you can see Luke in the little life jacket.



































June 10 (Mommy's Birthday - Christy turns 29 [again & again])

Mommy had another birthday but is in a holding pattern at 29.  We celebrated by having dinner out.  We are all so blessed to have such a wonderful woman in our lives!!



The Masyr Family



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