April 2006



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Four fabulous months have passed since Faith officially became a member of the exclusive "Masyr 5".  She fits into this family perfectly, just as God intended her to.  We cannot imagine our lives without her.  She truly has brought out the best in all of us.  Her smile and laugh are contagious!


Faith continues to amaze us!  She is standing on her own, talking up a storm and is very inquisitive.  She points at everything new and and says, "That?".  Faith loves  music and is quite a dancer.  As limber as she is, we think she might be an acrobat someday!


Samantha is enjoying her first year in track.  Her favorite event is the 1-mile.  When she's not at school or track practice, she enjoys hanging out with Faith.  


Noah is playing baseball for the Dodgers.  He is enjoying the season!  His dad is coaching again, so they get to spend more time together. 


April Sports Pictures

See Sam run and jump!!  We are very proud of her!





Noah is having fun playing for the Dodgers this year.











April 28

One of our trees was invaded by thousands of bees.  After a few days, they decided to move to another location.  Fortunately, no one was stung during their brief visit with us.










April 16 - Easter (He is Risen!)

We were blessed to celebrate this Eater as a complete family (now that we finally have Faith).  After the kids looked at what goodies the Easter Bunny left for them, we went to a wonderful outdoor citywide Easter service hosted by our church.  After church, we went to Grammy and Grandpa's house for food, fellowship and egg hunting!  Faith enjoyed the bubble blowing machine!  The kids were absolutely beautiful!!













April 15

Faith attended her first Dodger game ever and had a great time.  She even yelled out "Charge!" after hearing the crowd yell it once.  To top off the evening, the Dodgers beat the Giants 3-1!











April 9

Faith is looking cute wearing one of Samantha's old dresses.  She looks like a doll as she is being held by her Grammy.









April 7

Faith saw Mommy's ice cream cone and grabbed it!  It was so yummy! 


It also reminds us of how far Faith has come with her eating.  When she first came home, she barely could eat with a spoon.  At her first birthday, she still wasn't putting food in her own mouth.  Boy, how things have changed.




April 6

Finally enough hair!!!!  Or maybe not??  Perhaps, some wishful thinking when mommy put this barrette in Faith's hair.


Faith may not have much hair, but she does have 8 teeth.





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