December 2007


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December 25 (Celebrating the Birth of our Savior)
















The kids posing in front of our Christmas tree.





Faith snuggling up with Papa.













Faith gets a kiss from her cousin Lorelei before opening presents.  Check out the mountain of presents behind the girls.  We are doing our part to prevent a recession!




Samantha read the story of the birth of Jesus

to remind us why we are celebrating.
















Noah opening one of his presents.



Santa brought Faith a new bike and she loved riding it on Christmas.




December 15 (Band Performance)
















Samantha performed at a band concert in town.  It is incredible to hear how much Samantha has improved over the few years she has been playing.  We are extremely proud of her!



December 8 (Parade)

The kids were in the local parade.  Noah rode his bicycle with his Cub Scout troop while Samantha played her flute with the band .  It was fun to watch our kids during the parade.










December 1 (Trip to Disneyland)
















Before entering the park, we decide to eat at the Rainforest Cafe.  While there, they were cleaning the fish tank.  Not your typical photo opportunity.






The kids posed with Santa.











How blessed we are!









Faith loved talking to Snow White.  They had a little conversation and hugged.  It was a highlight for Faith.










Introducing Hollywood's newest star, Sama Montana!!






The Masyr Family



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